Saturday, January 4, 2014

November 27, 1863

November 27, 1863

---The Battle of Ringgold Gap, Georgia.  Three divisions of Union troops try to force their way through the narrow pass south of Chattanooga to pursue Bragg’s retreating troops, but are blocked by Maj. Gen. Patrick Cleburne’s division of Confederates (the only Rebel division that did not flee in disorder at Chattanooga).  The Union troops are an assembled group under command of Gen. Joseph Hooker.  Confederate Victory.
Losses:  U.S.  509                C.S.  221

---The Battle of Mine Run, Virginia.  Day 1.  As French’s III Corps advances south of the Rapidan, Gen. Lee puts Ewell’s Second Corps into motion, and Gen. Edward Johnson’s division collides with Prince’s division.  Brig. Gen. Steuart’s Maryland brigade swings into line and closes with the Yankees.  As the fighting escalates, French sends in Carr’s division.  Late in the day, two Confederate brigades attempt to break the Union line, but the attack is shattered.  As darkness falls, Lee pulls back his troops to prepared positions, entrenched. 

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