Tuesday, October 22, 2013

September 23, 1863

September 23, 1863

---Gideon Welles muses on the current situation---that is, how Rosecrans is getting bottled up in Chattanooga, and Meade is not moving forward in Virginia, even though everyone knows that Lee is weakened to the tune of at least two of his best divisions---and how the General-in-Chief, Henry W. Halleck, appears to be doing nothing:

No offensive movements here; no assistance has been rendered Rosecrans. For four weeks the Rebels have been operating to overwhelm him, but not a move has been made, a step taken, or an order given, that I can learn. Halleck has done nothing, proposed nothing, and is now just beginning to take measures to reinforce Rosecrans. Has he the mind, energy, or any of the qualities or capabilities for the important position assigned him?

---In New York City, George Templeton Strong records his reactions to the news of Chickamauga:

News Monday night that Rosecrans had been badly defeated at “Chickamauga Creek,” if that’s its name, and had fallen back on Chattanooga, after a two-days’ battle.  It looked like a grave disaster and perhaps it is, but later news looks better.  He has certainly had a severe fight, suffered heavy loss, and encountered a serious check.  But rebel dispatches speak in subdued tone.  It was probably a desperate but decisive conflict, and every battle in which the rebels come short of complete victory is equivalent to a rebel defeat just now.

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