Thursday, March 27, 2014

March 25, 1864

March 25, 1864

---Gen. Forrest and his Rebel cavalry attack and capture part of Paducah, Kentucky, just across the river from Illinois.

---Former Pres. Millard Fillmore, in his first public statement on the war, that he believes that in spite of the vast destruction, the war must be won, and then offers this view on showing mercy and charity afterwards:

But it must be apparent to all that the first step toward bringing this war to a close is to conquer the [rebel] army. Any negotiations for peace before this is done would prove abortive; and any professed clemency to those in arms who d[efy] our power would be a mockery which would be treated with ridicule and contempt. But, when we have conquered their armies and disposed of their leaders, then let us show our magnanimity and generosity by winning back the deluded multitude who have been seduced or coerced into this rebellion, by extending to them every act of clemency and kindness in our power, and by restoring them to all their rights under the Constitution. This I conceive to be Christian forgiveness and the best policy, and the only one which can ever restore this Union.

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