26, 1863
---Gen. Pegram of the Confederate army is
raiding deep into Kentucky, while Nathan Bedford Forrest conducts raids of his
own behind Rosecrans’ lines in central Tennessee. Yesterday, he attacks the town of Brentwood,
and the Yankees there---a regiment of Wisconsin infantry, under command of Col.
Edward Bloodgood---immediately surrender.
The Rebel troopers carry off supplies and destroy the railroad
depot. Then, Forrest sends an officer to
a railroad bridge nearby over the Little Harpeth River, who demands that Yankee
garrison’s surrender as well. This
colonel accepts the deception, and surrenders his regiment of
Michiganders. Forrest, in one day,
captures 750 Yankees, losing only 4 dead and 13 wounded in the attack on
Brentwood. With his loot and prisoners,
Forrest departs the area in haste, as a Union cavalry force is on his heels.
---Gen. Robert E. Lee writes to the
Confederate Secretary of War Seddon about the scarcity of rations in the Army
of Northern Virginia, detailing his own efforts to secure food for his men, and
clearly putting the problem where it belongs---with Seddon’s department. Lee concludes his letter:
The troops of the portion of the army have
for some time been confined to reduced rations, consisting of 18 ounces of
four, 4 ounces of bacon of indifferent quality, with occasionally supplies of
rices, sugar, or molasses. The men are cheerful, and I receive but few
complaints; still, I do not think it is enough to continue them in health and
vigor, and I fear they will be unable to endure the hardships of the
approaching campaign. Symptoms of scurvy are appearing among them, and to
supply the place of vegetables each regiment is directed to send a daily detail
to gather sassafras buds, wild onions, garlic, lamb's quarter, and poke
sprouts, but for so large an army the supply obtained is very small. I have
understood, I do not know with what truth, that the Army of the West and that
in the Department of South Carolina and Georgia are more bountifully supplied
with provisions. I have also heard that the troops in North Carolina receive
one-half pound of bacon per day. I think this army deserves as much consideration
as either of those named, and, if it can be supplied, respectfully ask that it
be similarly provided.
I have the honor to be, with great respect, you obedient servant,
R. E. LEE General
---As U.S. naval gunboats and transports are
being pushed through the Yazoo Pass to make their slow, laborious way down to
reinforce the Union forces in front of Fort Pemberton, artilleryman Jenkin
Lloyd Jones writes in his journal about the tough going in river channels that
are narrow and twisting in a heavy forest:
Yazoo Pass, Thursday, March 26. A fine day. Health poor. Nausea and diarrhea
very bad. Advanced very slowly to-day, the current being swifter than before,
so that we are just tossed from tree to tree. Obliged to use the capstan
continually. A limb took off one of the escape pipes, another entered the cook
room on the second floor. It is with great trouble the men can save themselves
from falling limbs. One fell on two boys which came very near proving serious.
Passed at 2 P. M. by the “Hamilton Belle”, dispatch boat.