Tuesday, August 6, 2013

July 29, 1863

July 29, 1863

---Capt. Josiah Marshall Favill, a young Englishman who serves as an officer in the 57th New York Infantry, writes in his diary about the lingering disorder in New York City after he and a companion deliver the body of Gen. Zook, killed at Gettysburg, to his family.  The two young officers volunteer to help quell the riot, but are forced to lay low instead:

In accordance with orders, as soon as the obsequies of General Zook were over, Broom and I reported to the military commander of the district, General Dix, when it was suggested as a mater of prudence we doff our uniforms. This seemed to us most astonishing, that the uniform which we supposed every man and woman, particularly just after such a great and magnificent battle, would delight in, should be a badge of disfavor, but as we had no citizens’ clothing, we were obliged to confine ourselves to those parts of the city considered least dangerous, which was most humiliating; however, we volunteered our services in case of necessity, left our address and retired. Mitchell very kindly sent us a twenty day leave of absence from General Warren, now in command of the Second corps, so we remained in town till the 27th. Butler soon arrived with a large force, which went into bivouac on the Battery, City Hall Park, and other open places, and the rioters were instantly brought under control. Guns were posted in various places sweeping the streets, and Butler’s reputation was not of the sort the rioters and negro lynchers cared to trifle with.

---In the mountains of North Carolina, three brothers, apparently Unionists, write a threatening letter to Captain Quill Hunter, who is probably a Confederate conscription or provost officer---an example of the typical resistance of the Unionist mountaineers against the Confederate government:

July the 29th 1863
Capt Quill Hunter if yo ever hunt for us a gin i will put lead in yo god dam your hell fired soll yo have give the people orders to Shoot us down when they find us and if yo dont take your orders back i will Shoot yo If Sutch men as yo are is christians of heaven i want to know who is the hippocrits of hell we have never done yo any harms for yo to hunt for us we will give yo something to hunt for heareafter  here after when any body sees us i will know where to watch for yo the Secessions needent to degrudge what we steel for we are the United States Regulars (Seal)
Wils. Dial. Jim. Dial. Cal. Dial

[Look on the other Side is a little more]

We dont ax [Sprinkles houns?] no more adds than hell does a powder house ave got orders from the Govenor to take yo because yo dont take us that is our latest orders we dist dare yo to go and Abuse Mother or talk about trying them When the Yankees comes we will go and Show them Some Secess to kill If this dont give yo warning enough the next warning we will give yo with powder and lead take the hint in time we are the old United States Regulars
Wilse Dial is one one
James Dial is another
Calvin Dial is the other

(from the Civil War Day by Day, University of North Carolina Wilson Library.  http://blogs.lib.unc.edu/civilwar/)

Raggedy Yankee soldier

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