March 3, 1863
---On this date, the Congress of the United States passes
the National Enrollment Act, the first military draft in the U.S., to wit: “That all
able-bodies male citizens of the United States, and persons of foreign birth
who shall have declared on oath their intention to become citizens under and in
pursuance of the laws thereof, between the ages of twenty and forty-five years,
except as hereinafter excepted, are hereby declared to constitute the national
forces, and shall be liable to perform military duty in the service of the
United States when called out by the President for that purpose.”
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U.S. Capitol, Washington, D.C., Winter 1863 |
---Confederate spies
tell Lt. Gen. John C. Pemberton, the commander in Vicksburg, that they believe
that Grant will land troops on the riverfront at Vicksburg and attempt to carry
the works with a frontal assault---and that the canals being dug and the
attempt to hit Vicksburg from
behind via the Yazoo River are merely feints.
Of course, Grant has no such plans, since a frontal assault would be disastrous,
but it serves to illustrate the high state of anxiety the Rebels are
experiencing about the fortress city.
---Oliver Willcox Norton, a soldier in
the 83rd Pennsylvania Volunteers, writes home to a favorite cousin, who
has just lost her baby, and offers some interesting and perhaps surprising thoughts
on bereavement, religion, and his own skepticism:
How it must
have jarred on your already overwrought feelings, but, L., I did not, I could
not, have guessed that the reason I did not receive my usual letter was that
your baby’s cradle was empty. It grieves me beyond measure to think that I
should have written anything that would add a sorrow by my thoughtlessness,
when you had already all you could bear. I can only ask you to forgive my
haste. If I caused you pain, believe me it was unintentionally done. I have
read your letter again and again, and every time I have laid it down feeling
that I could not understand it. Something of that feeling of loneliness I can
understand. . . . it seems to me I know something of that desolation that would
creep into your heart, but that does not seem to be the main thought in your
letter. There is a sweet and quiet joy, I might almost say, that I cannot
understand. I can sympathize with you in your double bereavement, but in that
consolation so precious to you I have no share.
I have asked
myself again and again what is this mysterious power of religion that so
wonderfully supports its possessor in times like this? How can she, while the
earth is yet fresh above the coffin of her only child, and before the first
blade of grass has sprung on her mother’s grave, so far forget her own sorrow
and bereavement as to feel such an interest in me, a person almost a stranger
in comparison with these? Oh, L., I believe I need your sympathy more than you mine.
I cannot tell you just how I feel. I would be a Christian but I cannot. I mean
there is a vague longing for that happiness I know must be there, but an
unwillingness to do my part to secure it. I cannot even yet desire to be a
Christian so much that I am willing to try. I wonder at myself and you will
wonder, too, but that is only too true. . . . If I had your faith I should be a
better soldier.
Remember me
in kindness to your husband, and, if I did not know you would do so unasked, I
would say—remember me in your prayers.
Naval vessels near Savannah, Georgia on the Great Ogeechee River, bombard Fort
McAllister for most of the day, with little effect. Captain Drayton commands the flotilla.
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