Friday, March 22, 2013

March 16, 1863

March 16, 1863

---Major Thomas J. Halsey, of the 11th New Jersey Volunteer Infantry, encamped at Winter quarters at Falmouth, Virginia, writes home to his wife about the political fallout of Copperheadism at home:

. . . I see by the Papers that the Copper Heads are making quite a stir and may make some trouble but it will not amount to much as I think this government is strong enough to put them through.  Our Regiment had a meeting last week and passed Resolutions of a Patriotic nature condemning the Peace Party and pledging our Lives and all that we have in the cause of our country.  There were several speeches made on the occasion, among others, your humble servant.  (I do not care to brag, Lib, but as no one but you will see this, one of the bigest [sic] men in the Regiment said to me after the Meeting, “Why, Halsey, did not know that you were so much of a talker.”)  The meeting passed off pleasantly.  The men cheered, the Band played, the Bonfire burned brightly, and alltogether [sic] we had a good time. . . .

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